Thursday, September 24, 2009


Hey fellow bloggers and bloggies,

I have had some interesting visitors while I've lived here in Africa, now you might want to hear more details then that, like "Anyone cute? or What where they like?" well first off let me say that NOTHING with a million legs is cute, and anything that is poisonious is normally an unwelcome guest. Yes thats right I have quite big bugs that come into my room always right before bed and like to give me a startle cause I always seem to step on them, not the nicest thing to do to guests I know but they aren't the most welcome guests (Let that be a wronging to those who think they are on my bad side lol). I had gotten use to seeing the millapides or whatever they are called, I even knew they where semi-poisonious, however last night I had a brand new visitor, and like normal I only discovered him after I accidently killed him with my foot, it was the ever loving scorpion and he did sting me. So I took some pics then hopped off to see if scorpions can kill, turns out they can't, they can only make your foot really really big with swelling.

Now this might seem odd to you but I've gotten very use to it, I have had more strange encounters with everything and everyone sence coming here then I can ever remember. Last night I also met another interesting person, my family and I had decided to eat out cause our water was not working and our power was out. When we got to our desired eatting place a man came up to me spinning in circles, now frankly I was impressed that he could keep in such a stright path while spinning as fast as he was, when he got up he asked for a smoke I kindly told him I was trying to avoid setting anyone on fire, and he began to do a little dance, or place some kind of hex on me, I'm still not sure, anyways after finishing whatever he was doing he waved and spun off into the night. So I've come to realize I just attract strange people and things in Africa, but hey if I didn't then you'd never have any blogs to read now would you? Until next time God bless and try not to spin into anyone.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Sun and the Moon...

Hey people in Canada and where ever your reading this from.

Africa...what an adventure...when people said this would be an experience you won't ever forget they where serious. I've been here just over four months...I've been away from all of you for just over four months. Things have happened on both sides to change all of us, both good and bad, nothing stays the same. I think its better that way, to never grow or change would be boring. I don't know where this is going or where it will end, just kind of blahing right now.

The twins I was talking about last blog haven't been doing so well, the first born is, but the second born hasn't been, two children now without parents due to stupid med problems that we could slove so easily back home. It makes me realize how blessed we really are in North American, I mean we all so we know, but do we? We have everything that these kids can only dream of, including parents. In fact I think anyone that has parents or even one parent is blessed 100 time over compared to some of these kids I see. We can give them food, a warm place to sleep, protection from the outside, love, but we can't give them parents the one thing they want the most. So if I may be so bold, could you all pray for these Kids there hearts, and for a brighter future for them all.

So we've been placed in our areas of life for a higher purpose, we can't just sit and think "I don't have lots of money, or my life has been so hard." Cause your life has been a lot better then most of the people who live here. You where given a calling to be a voice to those who have none, to be the doctor who stops the mother from dying, to be the humanitarian who aids the hungry, to be the office worker who helps sponser a child, don't say theres nothing you can do, because in the Bible we were called to help the widows and the orphans even if just in prayer. I'm sorry that this blog doesn't have a funny story or a happy feel.... but I can't laugh when others are crying.

God bless, you are all in my prayers as well, take care and be safe

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello gents, ladies, and small fuzzy animals from Alpha 6 (Hitchhikers Guide)

I know it has been a while coming but its finally here, the new, the improved, the very very very late MIA BLOG!!!!! Many may be wondering just what this blog is about and for the slow ones who haven't guessed by the title its about.... the.....RAIN (ooooohhhh awwwwwwwww)....lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of rain, some of you may recall me saying there had been none for my three and a half months here, well it finally came today, and I mean it CAME!!! Some of the boys and I where digging a new hole for our drainage water to flow into, this hole has a 9ft radius, and is 18ft deep, (well not yet but thats how big it has to be), the boys wanted to go get some water and just before I could send them for some we all started to feel rain drops, so we got out of the hole and put away our tools. I turned them and said "see you in 5 minutes when this little rain stops" only it didn't and it wasn't little it rained for 2 hours, it was coming down like water from a tap!

So much in fact that my short walk from the hole to the office got me looking like I took a swim in Lake Victoria, but it didn't stop there, it started to hail as well.....yes I said I'm not joking it was hailing........ I already told you I'm not joking it was hailing, hail stones the size of acorns!!!.......just keep reading if you don't believe me, and if you do believe me keep reading! So this went on for about 2 hours, when it was over it looked like Canada in March...for about 5 minutes before the sun came out and melted all the hail but still it was cool. Now some of you might be wondering just how much water fell, well remember that hole I was telling you about? It now has about a foot of water if not more in it, so Starehe now has a swimming pool!!! At least until the sun comes out and zaps the water in 5 minutes time.

We also got new kids at our wonderful orphanage today :D One is called Kerwah (meaning first born) and the other is named Dohtoe (meaning second born) I know what your thinking, the names must have been hard to come up with but thats what all the twins get named in Tanzania I'm told. I personally would have named them something much better like Thing 1 and Thing 2 but they didn't ask me.

So thats my little adventure for today, I most say that I'm glad it finally rained it smells so much cleaner here now, the roads are all in bad shape but at least it smells clean, that and I finally got to bless the rain down in Africa! Anyways I'll try and post something new again sooner, but I'm a busy guy with all this rain and baby twins and tree cutting and wall building and school going, so if its not up super soon you all know way. So until next time God bless and take care

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another Day Another Dolla-Dolla

Okay this one's an older story but it's one of the first things that happened to me when I first got here. I was helping teach English and Math to some of the kids (yes I know I'm not fit to teach either but this was low level math and english), and mer some very nice german teachers and a british couple who had just gotten engaged their names where Nike and Emma. We all got to talking and one of the german teachers invited us to go play vollyball with them that night, we accepted this invite as none of us had done anything simi-normal sence going to Africa. We waited until around 4pm and then headed for the street to catch the Dolla-Dolla, it's kind of like our buses back home but about the size of a mini-van but it only cost 250 shillings (about 25 cents). So we hailed down one of the dolla-dollas and found that it was extremely packed that day, I'm talking P-A-C-K-E-D, Pac-Man couldn't have made it anymore packed. So we all crammed in, Mike and I got to stand on the thing like very awkward Tetris pieces who didn't know their place in the game. We laughed and just went about our way. Along the way however we picked up even more people, a mother and her baby, a man and his suitcases, a boy and his bag of rice, we where lucky though the one next to us had a boy and his goat get on their bus.

So now we're even more crammed, so much that I had to tilt my head in on direction and stick with it. My opinions were as follows; Mike's Armpit, a stranger's bottom, Mike's bottom, or Emma. So I picked turning my head to Emma and talking to least until the mother dropped her top and started breastfeeding like it was no biggy (and here it's not considered that big of a deal to do that sort of thing here. however if you show your shoulder as a women it means your looking for things...go figure crazy place) So my next choice was to pick Mike's Armpit, over which we had a great conversation about our favourite deodorants, turns out we both like and use Old Spice Mountain Rush. Both of us felt sorrier for Emma, she happened to have one of the mothers breast resting right on her arm for about 35 minutes not that we saw firsthand of course, Mike's face was admiring the metal roof while my face was stuck in his armpit and very grateful that he was wearing some pitstick.
She however felt the over powering need to explain the whole ordeal in great detail once the ride was over. When it was over we counted all the people and it was 31 people, 31 in the bus which is the sign of a mini-van. Think about that night time you want to complain about Ottawas bus system.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Will put up post soon

Hey guys I know its been awhile I've been trying to put up one of my fav stories but I'm having some problems with blogspot and my normal blogging computer which happens to have my story on it, anyways I will have a new adventure soon for you all to read, in the meantime you could email me and let me all know how your lifes are doing :D