Monday, December 28, 2009

A New Year

So I'll be in 2010 8 hours before the rest of you so I'll be sure to let you know if its going to be good or bad, I hope everyone had a wicked awesome Christmas, it was insanity on a stick over here but we'er starting to calm down, anyways I do not have much time just wanted to Wish everyone a Happy New Year, heres hoping its one filled with adventure and good times with loved ones! God bless

Monday, December 21, 2009

On the Fourth day of Christmas

Okay so haven't been super great at posting as often as I should but! I went reading some other blogs and most people blog less often then me and put about half the info or excitement into their blogs so be happy, and cut me some Christmas slack :P

So Christmas is just about ready to rear-end us all (I say that cause no matter now much you've planned or prepared it always seems to slam into you, like BAAAAM ITS CHRISTMAS, and your like what the heck just hit me?) At least thats how its feels to me, I have to keep reminding myself that Christmas is close because theres no snow or cold to remind me or make it feel like a Canadian Christmas but thats alright. Theres tons of work around here tho to keep me busy thinking about the time of year, you think shopping for your family and friends is bad....try 130+ orphans, you think the market is crowded try mine! At least you have a A&W's you can eat at or a Starbucks for those of you who like indie rock settings and overpriced coffee :P

Not going to lie, I've been having a heard time getting into the Christmas Spirit over here, it seems impossiable at times to keep positive when you see all those around you with less or have been dealt a crap hand. I mean even now I'm typing to you on a computer that could keep a family going for a year, yet the joy that these people have during this time of year, thinking about the Saviour, coming together to share a meal, that gives me hope. I mean I still miss home and all of you, but as long as I hold your warm wishes in my heart and your families in my prayers thats enough for me to almost be home even if only in spirit. We got a few Christmas presents, one was yesterday when a GAINT Coca-Cola Truck pulled in with African Santa doing the robot while holding a coke bottle to deliever some gifts for the kids and a donation of food for the Orphanage which got all the kids dancing (even one of the little babys started doing the bum shake) I have a few videos on it that you can all see when I get back, I'd upload them but once again MB's=$$$.

However this blog isn't about Dancing Santa tho he was pretty awesome and all, its about the 4 gifts that came a few days before, four beautiful new babies came to us, three boys and 1 girl, all no more then few weeks old, all innoccent and wide eyed. These four babies reminded me about the reason we have such joy not just this year but all year around, we are blessed to have them come to our Orphanage, and them getting to come to our Orphanage is really the best place for them to be in all of Tanzania as far as Orphanages go. None of them had names, so Bibi (Grandmother) named them all...well all but one. She let me pick the name one of the children who came, and as long as it would work in Tanzania that would become the child's name. So after some time and some rejected names Tyler was decided, but I call him Ty and he's the runt of them all but he's so cute and boy can get drink a lot of milk! Anyways my battary is dying so I can't make this much longer but all the new children and healthy and doing great! I can't wait to get home and show you all the pictures, but until then stay safe and God bless!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Time

Hey Canada and Company (seriousy never have any idea how to start theses things)

Its that time of year again, Christmas time, a time of year where love and joy fill the air, goodwill is shared and we come that much closer to peace for at least a month! Normally this time of year I'd be at my church 24/7 helping with set up for the billion things that happen at a church doing this time of year, but this year I'm at Starehe (Orphanage) 24/7 getting ready for the big day for the kids! All of them are excited and so are the staff its just a great time of year, we also have a few of our volunteers hanging around for the big day, most are from Germany so this will be their first snowless winter as it will also be mine!

Not going to lie but I really love snow and not having it makes it hard to remember its December, I mean the weather is always hot here Christmas with Palm trees, the only reason I remembered we're getting close to christmas is because one of the very well off locals had a Christmas party and it was beyond anything I've every gone to, I mean in Mwanza you REALLY see the differents between the rich and poor, and this guy was not poor in the least, I've never seen so many christmas lights and what not, almost felt like I was at a Christmas party in Hollywood. It was a blast going out for an evening, it doesn't happen a whole lot here but still. A lot of the time I was there it made me think about how many times during this year in past years I've only been thinking about my bubble of people, people who I love, people who I like, and people who I have to pretend I like for at least a month, this year its different I mean don't get me wrong I'm REALLY thinking about people I love, people I miss, but mostly I've been thinking about people who could use a little grace, or a helping hand.

Can't really explain it all but Christmas will be amazing and horrid all at the same time this year as I come face to face with the fact that I need those people in my life who use to "just always be there" more then they or I could have possiably known, and that for most people here Christmas is just another day to try and make it... So this year before you get into the fuss of what to buy for who or if you'll get that gift in the right colour or who you can regift last years stuff to, or anything that normally might take over your mind train, take a moment to pray for those who have less, for those who are alone this Christmas and thank God for His goodness to you!

I miss you all, no matter what level our friendships may be at I will be thinking of you all and thanking God for your friendship as they are one of His great blessings in my life. So until next blog (there will be more this month) Be blessed and deck those halls in my place! and then send me pictures hahahaha

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Let it Snow!

Hey party people and the people who may not be party people but somehow alway end up at a party and then get stuck with cleaning up when they didn't even want to go in the first place but their friend Julian bagged them to come so that they wouldn't be going alone and now your really mad cause...okay I guess thats a long enough intro.

So sorry about Nov it was "No Shave November" and it somehow also turn into "No Post November" I've been busy, and normally I would feel bad about not posting but you guys haven't been sending emails so meh :P. JK JK I've just been busy with Christmas at the Orphange we hve to start planning in like Sept just to be ready on time, its INSANE!!! but great, the kids are looking forward to the big 25th like any other kid around the world the only difference between here and back home is that its like 35 degrees and I'm getting a sunburn and your all not :D:D:D:D:D So its the third of Dec and I have sooo many stories from November but its almost mid night here and eariler this week (for those of you who haven't been keeping in touch) I did three all nighters (I post a nice long blog on that later as well) and have worked some very hard days so I need sleeeeeeep but I wanted to let you all know the Kids are doing great and "I'm not dead yet" ttyl God bless

"I feel happy, I feel....."