Monday, August 16, 2010


Hello faithful fellowers,

It has been almost 8 months sense I last blogged and for some reason tonight I felt like blogging, well that and I finally remembered my password to this thing :). Alas I am no longer in Africa, not for the last 4 months at least, and a lot has changed. There was a whole 4 months of stories that I didn't write about, some where worth mentioning but there where also some worth forgetting. Beinging back in Canada has been interesting, it was harder getting use to this culture again then it was getting use to Tanzania's.

Which brings me to my next point, seasons, its very easy to see that the weather is changing, stores are advertising fall clothes and back to school sales, telling us that indeed our summer is ending and we are helpless to the flow of time. The only difference is after 2 years of being away from school, I am really excited, summer has been more work then school ever was, a weekend of relaxing was all I could afford with school costs and planning and working, reminding me that I am no longer 16 or in High School and that season has also passed, just as my time in Africa. A new season in my life, in your life, in the world is happening even if we liked the old one better then what the new one looks like.

I know this blog seems reather odd, considering its come out of nowhere really, but I'd like to share a story with anyone whos still reading this blog, and maybe just maybe it will help put some light on my new found desire to write. While in Africa I was blessed with a handful of friends who keep in touch, and wether or not I ever told them they really keep me going on the harder days, the days when I couldn't share the stories, the days when it was almost too much and I felt like coming home. These people thought emails, msn, facebook, letters, and the surprize vistit from one kept me strong and helped me to keep going thought my faith in God and in people! Now the sad part of the story is that after being back one friend has put what was a good friendship on the shelf, I wish I could explain why but I am also in the dark on the exact reasons, tho I have my ideas I will keep them to myself.

So out of this loss of a friend I was able to see a blessing in the sadness, I had the pleasure of knowing the person and considering them a friend as I would hope in turn they see it the same. So as I look out the window and see the summer passing, thinking that fall will soon be here, I remember Ecclesastes 3:1-8 (look it up cause I don't feel like writing it all down, its in a great book called the Bible!) and I think about Fall, the trees start to let the leafs die, and I like watch as they slowly change colour beautiful and amazing right until they fall off the tree, and think what a shame that the trees can't stay so beautiful all year round, but then find joy remembering that in the spring they come alive again new and just as beautiful. Its this that makes me thankful and reminds me to find joy in all things, because each stage is wonderful in its own way and a only lasts for a season.