Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Friends, Moments, and whatever!

Hey everybody,

Sorry that it's been about two weeks sense the last update, been very busy preparing for VBS at my church and so I haven't really found the time to write. There is always lots to write about it is just finding the time to write it. The summer is just flying by it seems and I can't believe that we are already halfway thought it, I mean it just started a few months ago and it is almost over. Now I never thought I would be saying this but I am looking forward to school come the fall, there is still so much to learn and I enjoy the amount of work that keeps me on my toes.

It has be interesting spending the summer away from my normal stomping grounds of Ottawa, I enjoy that city because it seems just the right size! There is always something or other to do but it is not so big that you feel swallowed by it. The lightshow on Parliament is really fantastic every summer and I'm hoping to see it soon with my good friends Paul and Julian if I can get up ever hahaha. It seems that time has taken us all in different directions but it is nice to know that there are always some friends that will be there regardless of distance or time. I've been blessed to have many friends like that in my life, Julian and Paul have been some of the loyalest and truest friends sense the very beginning of high-school, and many couch crashes and long talks later we're still good friends! It is hard to think that it has been almost 7 years sense grade 9. I mean most of my friends are starting to get married, where did the time go right? 7 years....seems like yesterday and forever ago.

There is not much point to this blog I'll be honest, no deep truth, or insightful ideas, just random thoughts and old memories, but sometimes you need moments like those. If everything was deep all the time, nothing would be, it is the variety of Life's moments, the good, the bad, the deep, the random, that make all of them special. So to my friends who have shared many of those moments and to the new ones I have made who I know will share moments like these thank you! You all make Life's moments more enjoyable and I thank God for every last one of you :)